
CCA – Iowa Board Celebrates 20 Years of Defining a Profession

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Des Moines, IA – June 2013 – The Certified Crop Adviser Program announces the celebration of its 20th anniversary year and the CCA – IOWA is excited to celebrate this important milestone.

The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Program was established in 1992 in response to an increased need for agronomic expertise to address environmental concerns.  The U.S. agricultural industry responded by designing and implementing a program of professional training, certification, and self-regulation – the CCA Program.  Testing for the certification began in 1993, for any crop adviser or consultant that spends the majority of their time advising growers on agronomic practices and can meet the standards of the program.  The program operates in the US, Canada, Mexico, and India.

The International Certified Crop Adviser (ICCA) Program is the largest voluntary, agriculturally oriented certification program in North America.  Over 13,000 agronomy professionals have met the standards set by the American Society of Agronomy (ASA) to become certified.  Professionals who have attained the CCA credential have passed two comprehensive exams covering nutrient management, soil and water management, integrated pest management, and crop management.  Along with contributing to the agronomic community and gaining at least two years of required experience, they have made a commitment to focus on grower profitability while optimizing and protecting our natural resources.

Farmers and employers prefer to work with Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) because CCAs have demonstrated they have the commitment, education, expertise, and experience to make a difference.  Being certified adds credibility and shows that you are serious about what you do.

To learn more about the CCA program or find a local CCA, visit

For more discussion and the latest news on the CCA program, visit Facebook and LinkedIn (Certified Crop Adviser)

By |2013-06-11T09:49:24-05:00June 11th, 2013|News|