Do you have questions regarding the types of CEUs? The ICCA Policy and Procedures manual may be found in PDF format at this link for reference. CEUs are described in Chapter 4, section 4.5 found at the bottom of page 34.

Self Reported CEUs are the same types of events as Board Approved, but the only difference is that a local CCA board did not review them. The CCA can “self” report the CEU using the online form. It must meet the same standards as a board approved event as far as content.

Self Study CEUs are written, video, online events that are not live events and must contain a quiz.

Self Directed Study are not accepted by the CCA Program, but are accepted by the CPAg and CPSS programs. In self directed study one learns completely on their own something related to being in the professional certification.

Self Directed and Self Reported are not the same thing. They do not equal.