
CEUs Explained

Do you have questions regarding the types of CEUs? The ICCA Policy and Procedures manual may be found in PDF format at this link for reference. CEUs are described in Chapter 4, section 4.5 found at the bottom of page 34.


By |2011-04-27T18:44:53-05:00April 27th, 2011|News|

Iowa Certified Crop Advisers Recognized for Years of Service

During the 2011 Agribusiness Showcase & Conference a recognition luncheon was held to honor Certified Crop Advisers who have reached the milestone of 15 Years of Service.  More than 100 CCAs were recognized for their service to the industry and maintaining their CCA status for 15 years.

Please congratulate the following CCAs for their ‘Years of Service’ to the industry.


By |2011-03-10T17:47:15-06:00March 10th, 2011|News|

Iowa CCA Good Advice – September 2010

The Iowa CCA Board is Seeking Nominations for the Board of Directors

These individuals help direct the Iowa Certified Crop Advisor program in the future. You, as an Iowa CCA, have the opportunity to run for two board positions by filling out the nomination form attached with this “Good Advice” newsletter.


By |2010-09-01T17:26:31-05:00September 1st, 2010|Good Advice, News|